Sleep and Adolescent School Children A Perspective from the UAE


Dr Sunny Kurian    20 January 2017

Challenges due to lack of sleep include:� Inattentiveness in class and decreased scholastic performance.� Inability to self-regulate with poor control over emotions/ impulse/aggressive behavior/temper. In fact, some of the sleep deprived display symptoms mimicking ADHD.� Substance use and risky behavior.� Inability to complete task and assignments on time.� Mood changes especially depression, sometimes predisposing to early mental illness.� Obesity and later risk of diabetes.� Dependence on sleep medication and anxiety relieving drugs.Suggestions and Possible Way ForwardAt school: For middle and high schools� Later start to school time.� More brightly lit classrooms. � No test early in the morning.� Subjects like mathematics, science and reading to be put later in the day.� Explore the possibility of getting into a nap time (15-20 min) into the school schedule.� Initiate classes on sleep health for the students.At home� Set a sleep time table and sleep discipline and make it a point to stick to it.� The ritual toward sleep should start at least 2 hours before the intended sleep time.� Dimming of lights and reduction of loud noises (loud music, TV, etc.) should start early.� Avoid stimulating foods/drinks such as tea, coffee, soda pop, chocolates� at least 6 hours before the sleep time.� Window blinds and curtains should be adequate to keep away external lights.� The bedroom and the bed should ideally be used to sleep/resting purposes only. Reading, watching TV and texting while in bed should be strongly discouraged and parents should set the example.� Avoid naps, which last more than 15-20 mins during day time because that would interfere with the child getting enough sleep at night.

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